WHY CREATE a technique called HORSE NIDRA?
In a flash of insight recently, after a longer meditation on the power of a specific approach to yoga nidra to transform consciousness, I came up with the term, “Horse Nidra.”
Over many years, my clients and workshop participants have spoken to the power of the yoga nidra to, after just one guided session, transform them completely. Benefits that I have witnessed include a deep relaxation, no longer feeling burnt out, a rest deeper than sleep, a deep inner calm, mental clarity, a clear insight to dissolve a block, no longer feeling stuck, spontaneous healing of a past moment of horror, connection with a loved one that was lost, self forgiveness, forgiveness of others, reduction or removal of chronic pain, sensing of the true self and the authentic dream to manifest moving forwards, and more.
The science behind yoga nidra is clear, and continues to build it’s body of evidence that is peer reviewed and published in respected medical and scientific journals. Yoga Nidra has been proven to reduce insomnia, clear mental agitation, reduce chronic pain, reduce chronic fatigue, improve a stage of sleep called deep sleep, heal post-traumatic symptoms, and reduce depression and anxiety.
Although not yet approved as a form of treatment and therapy, as the proving of new techniques often take ten to fifteen years, Yoga Nidra has been recognized by Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury as a form of complimentary and alternative medicine when combined with the relevant neuroscience, psychology and a specific meditation practice.
Knowing, experiencing, and finding in the scientific evidence-based and peer reviewed literature, that horses can hold a space where people receive a nervous system reset, improved heart rate variability, and receive a dream-like state where deep insights and healing occurs, I began to see that it is very natural to combine the Yoga Nidra and Horse Medicine, and started doing this in 2022 during retreats with horses.
To bring the specific approach of Horse Nidra to others, I have realized that there needs to be a step by step progression in guiding people into this space, so that you can receive the full benefit. With my background and experience in combining neuroscience with deeper subconscious levels in altered states of being, and guiding people in this, I felt it was time to create a specific technique.
what is horse nidra?
Horse Nidra is a technique combining the neuroscience of the subconscious, with the influence and teaching that horses bring to the subconscious, with a specific practice of Yoga Nidra - the conscious sleep.
“Nidra” is the Sanskrit term for sleep, referring to the state of consciousness where the body rests, the eyes are closed and the mind lets go of thinking. Yoga Nidra is the practice of remaining aware between awake and sleep. You can think of this as daydreaming, and lucid dreaming, where the subconscious can reveal its truths. Measurable changes happen biological in the body during this intentional rest.
Horses support an altered and amplified state of consciousness, where we deeply rest, and experience the beauty of the wisdom within. Our modern science only understands this partly, yet the biofeedback tools that show shifts in the horse brain and heart field, with resulting shifts in the human brain and heart field, help our modern minds trust this further. The field of Equine Facilitated Learning and Horse Medicine are expanding modern consciousness on understanding the way in which horses hold space for profound insight, transformation and healing by creating shifts in the awareness that exists between waking and sleeping.
In Person Workshop
Online Program
Coming Soon
To experience Horse Nidra and understand the benefits, the first step is to understand the science behind Yoga Nidra, the conscious sleep. Since the 1960’s, Yoga Nidra has been studied through science to understand the benefit to the cardiovascular system, immune and inflammatory states, pain pathways and regeneration. Yoga Nidra has been practiced intensively for over one hundred years, with its origin around 200 BC in the practice of pratyahara, a withdrawal of the senses.
As an expert in both non-verbal communication and energetic awareness, the Horse has a capacity to draw you into an altered state of awareness. The state is an amplified state, which is a term accepted internationally for the altered state that has beneficial effects. To experience Horse Nidra and deepen into the state of relaxation to receive from the Horse, understanding the science and the mysticism behind the impact of the Horse on the subconscious, is the important next step.
With stories and descriptions of experiences in Horse Nidra, the next step on understanding the Horse Nidra approach is for you to listen to various experiences from a diverse range of people. After the stories bring you a deeper understanding, you will be ready for the next step of learning the step by step approach of Horse Nidra.

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