A HOrse medicine session
Are you curious about the insight and wisdom a horse can bring to you?
Have you heard of how horses can support you in manifesting your dreams?
Are you interest to deepen your power to live your dreams?
Do you want to awaken your awareness to more subtle energies within?
Does a session from the comfort of your home or office interest you?
Experience the mysterious intelligence of Horse Medicine in your session with Sterling Galaxy. Sterling Galaxy is a horse who has emerged victorious through extreme challenges, to hold space for you to reclaim your power, magnificence, beauty and intelligence.
Together, in your Horse Medicine Session, we hold space for you to realize & release subconscious energies that hold you back from achieving your dream. We help you reclaim your deepest dream and step into your brilliance. Join us for thirty minutes of reflection, intuition and a nervous system reset.
Could you benefit from a relaxation of your nervous system, created from recent evidence based neuroscience? The Guided Meditation is a beautiful way to relax your nervous system to prepare to meet the Horse. As you listen, be guided with gentle language through a step wise progression of your breath, to relax into your parasympathetic nervous system. Learn also how to Greet the Horse, to better listen to the non-verbal cues & energies present. The Guided Meditation is an mp3 audio file that you can use in future for relaxation, and for preparation in meeting the Horse.
For your 30 Minute Session, you will meet with Galaxy, the Horse, and myself to touch on the energy of your dream. We will hold space for you to increase your awareness of subconscious potency to strengthen your dream. We will also be present to any energies in your subconscious or conscious that are holding you back from your dream. Galaxy will reflect the energies present in your subconscious & unconscious with the power that is the electromagnetic field of the Horse Heart, as well as the more ethereal mysterious energies that science has yet to fully understand. The session is held virtually on a video platform, where you can see and hear the Horse and myself. The session is most powerful if you take a half hour before the session to prepare with the Guided Meditation.
Do you find that sometimes you understand things better through story? The power of the Story - the metaphors within the Story, the Archetypes and the Journey of the Protagonist - has been proven to have lasting effect not only in our conscious, but in our subconscious & unconscious as well. If you find yourself drawn to Galaxy, you will likely find solace & comfort in his story of facing challenges, and emerging victorious. To support the integration of your session, a complimentary eBook on Galaxy’s journey and the power of Horse Medicine is included in this offer. The book is entitled ‘Power of the Horse: A Journey of True Love, Power and Victory’ and tells his story and how his journey speaks to the delicate balance of strength & gentleness, power & love, and mystery & physicality.
Guided Meditation
30 Minute Online Virtual Session
Complimentary eBook
$180 CDN
Prepaid & non-refundable
Horses can be masters at guiding you to greater understanding of your subconscious and unconscious. Part of this is due to a measurable science in how they can change your brainwaves and the state of your electromagnetic heart field. In a guided Horse Medicine session, you can access the inner landscape of your true dreams of your heart, and gain insight into how to remove the obstacles towards manifesting your dreams.
As an expert in both non-verbal and verbal communication, I guide you during the Horse Medicine session, to pay attention to the reflective cues from the horse. I also help you to see your subconscious truth that is wishing to be brought into the light of your conscious mind. We look for the energy of your authentic dream, and obstacles that may exist on the level of energy, as seen by both the physical energetic communication from the horse, and the more subtle energies of electromagnetic frequencies from your brain and heart.
Sterling Galaxy is a horse that has been a key player in my Horse Medicine sessions over the years. After years of offering the Day Retreat for private coaching clients, we are now opening up shorter sessions on a virtual platform. Galaxy brings a victorious, exacting, intuitive and powerful presence to the Horse Medicine session, and these thirty minute sessions can give you a sense of how the longer sessions and more, can further your personal growth.

Fill out the form below to book your space.